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Bi-Fold Door Replacement

Handyman Repair It

Bi-Fold Door Replacement | Local Handyman | Handyman Repair It

Bi-fold doors are often used in closets, laundry bays, and kitchen pantries. The doors mounts with pins into the corners of the frame/opening. Bi-fold door replacement is simple.

1. Loosen the screw at the top of the door using a screwdriver. This will free the bracket so that you can tilt the doors to the side and pull the bottom out of the slot after the top comes out.

2. If the track is damage, remove the screws and replace the track.

3. Tilt the new door and place the bottom pin into the bracket. Raise the door upright and insert the top pin into the bracket. Slide the door back toward the doorjamb until it is straight. Secure the bracket in place.

4. Replace the second door (inf you are replacing 2 doors).

5. Test the door/doors to ensure that they move and close properly. If they do not, make adjustments by loosening the screw in the top bracket and moving the doors left or right.

6. You are done.

Bi-Fold Door Replacement | Local Handyman | Handyman Repair It

Bi-Fold Door Replacement | Local Handyman | Handyman Repair It










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